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Our actor and "One of the Funniest LGBT Comics" according to OUT.comBuzzFeed & Huffington Post - Sampson McCormick hilariously explains why you should support our campaign in the FINAL FOUR days.

With your help we've raised over $2,200 from 30 contributions. Though reaching the goal seems unlikely, we are grateful for and excited about what we can do with the funds we have raised and will raise by the end of the campaign. 

In these FINAL FOUR days we just ask that you please share this campaign with a friend, family member, or colleague who may be interested in supporting our campaign. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and watch this short video.


Good Luck to all your teams in the FINAL FOUR . Go University of...












Shane Watson

© Shane T. Watson 2021 // Website Designed by Shane T. Watson

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